We tested 5 AI logo generators

Jun 26, 2023
Kirk Clyne & Suzanne Reeves
A man with flowing hair, a trim beard and a red suit with a botanical print stares through a pair of oversized opera style binoculars with orange lenses.

We tested 5 AI logo generators

Hello fellow founders!

With all the hoopla lately about AI, we have been thinking about the current AI-powered logo generator tools on the market.

These tools promise to create "unique" and "professional" logos in just a few clicks.

But do they actually deliver on that promise?

As founders (and designers!) we wanted to know. So, we tried out five AI-powered platforms to see for ourselves.

For this article we looked at the following platforms:

A series of web pages side by side, with headlines promising professional, unique instant logos in minutes.
All the platforms make the same promise

To put these logo-maker tools through their paces, we decided to create a logo for a coffee shop run entirely by robots.

We're going to call the business "Robo Cafe", and then see how the robo-designers do.

A coffee shop interior with warm retro colors and tones. A white humanoid robot stands by a table clearing mugs.
Robo Cafe: Coming soon to a neighborhood near you
Grey section divider line

Should you trust the opinion of...designers?

As design professionals, we do possess the expertise in design principles, aesthetics, and branding necessary to evaluate the visual appeal, originality, and effectiveness of the logos generated.

But that also means we are biased on this subject. You should know that upfront.

We know what quality is and won't be satisfied with less than we would ask of ourselves.

But that doesn't mean we won't do our best to give you the unvarnished truth, even if that means gasp recommending you use an AI tool instead of hiring a designer.

What we're looking for

We're interested in discovering 4 things:

  • Are the logo generators easy to use?
  • Is the process fast?
  • Are the results unique?
  • Are the results professional?

When it comes to assessing whether a logo is professional, what do we mean exactly?

A man with flowing hair, a trim beard and a red suit with a botanical print stares through a pair of oversized opera style binoculars with orange lenses.
Designers can scrutinize quality as if the fate of the design world hangs in the balance

There are a host of design principles that contribute to what is generally agreed upon as professional quality. While we won't cover them all here, a few of the top qualities include:

  • Legibility: The logo remains easily readable on a neutral background, even at small sizes such as social media avatars.
  • Kerning: A professional logo features well-adjusted spacing between characters, both intentional and consistent, for visual appeal. Inconsistent spacing between letters is an easy way to spot an amateur logo.
  • Simplicity: Effective logos are clean, simple, and versatile, avoiding complex images or busy backgrounds that restrict usability.
  • Usability: Logos are created as vector art, not pixels (ex., bitmap image formats like JPG or PNG files), using programs like Adobe Illustrator, enabling scaling without quality loss; SVG (scalable vector graphic) is a common vector file format.
  • Distinct: The logo should be unique enough for trademarking.
  • Brand Process: A professional logo is crafted based on insights gained from industry research, including a deep understanding of the market, competitors, target audience, and unique values. This knowledge helps to ensure a resonant and distinct brand, including the logo.
A group of six (6) images, each showing the a graphic logo for 'Robo Coffee'. Some are nearly illegible due to a poor color choices, and all employ an excessively tiny or busy logo graphic.
Problematic logos generated by all five platforms

Now that you have a sense for what we were looking for and how we will judge the quality of the generated logos, let's dive into our reviews.


Hardly a newcomer, Looka (formerly called Logojoy) has been around since 2016.

In our experience, it has the friendliest interface, and offers even more control than Brandmark. In fact, it's clear that most of the tools on this list have "borrowed" extensively from the path Looka has forged.

A group of three (3) draft logos with the words 'Robo Coffee' and a medium-sized symbol of a one-eyed robot with claws and a lightning bolt above its head.
A few of Looka's first drafts

Our favourite feature in Looka is the "More Ideas" function that offers up automatic variations on your logo. it will generate variants of the font and colors, letting you "follow your nose" to a better design.

A screenshot of the Looka user interface showing the 'More Ideas' feature set to 'Color Pairs' and displaying alternative color options for the word 'Robo' in the logo, including neon pink and a copper gradient.
“More Ideas” feature for logo options on Looka

Like many of the tools we tested, the icons (or "symbols") used in Looka are pulled from The Noun Project. Not only does this mean the logos cannot be truly unique or original, but there could be legal issues around intellectual property.

In fact, the Terms & Conditions of Looka shockingly state: "All use of these Symbols is AT YOUR OWN RISK." Not what you want to hear when you're paying to generate a logo using their platform!

A series of screenshot labeled 'Looka', "Brandmark.io' and 'Logomaster.ai' each showing a collection of graphic symbols of robots. Below this is the question, 'Can you spot the duplicate Noun Project icons?'
Many platforms use the same library of icons

Looka Summary:

  • Uniqueness: Low (and problematic)
    • Relies on a library of pre-made icons (not generated per user)
    • Generic icons are pulled from The Noun Project
  • Professional quality: Low to Medium
    • A passable logo is possible, but without design expertise the result is likely to be amateur
    • Not based on proper branding research
  • Usability: Unknown
    • Unclear whether a vector / SVG file is available
  • Speed: Fast
  • Ease of use: Easy Peasy
    • Most intuitive user interface
  • Customization: Low to Medium
    • Some unique font options
    • Offers "More Ideas" with automatic variants
  • Price: Dirt cheap
    • The cheapest option
    • $20 USD for a single bitmap logo
    • $65 USD gets you more sizes and "multiple high-res file types"
    • $96 USD for collateral templates (social, business cards, etc)


We found the Brandmark.io interface to be pretty straightforward and intuitive, offering just enough control without over-complicating things. The initial generated logos were more simple and straightforward than the other platforms.

A series of three (3) logos generated by Brandmark using red, white, and/or blue colors, thin fonts and symbols of a disposable coffee cup, a tiny robot and a head with antennae.
A few of Brandmark's many first drafts

After spending 15 minutes altering the third option seen above, we were able to generate a passable version of a logo for our robotic coffeeshop.

A graphic logo that reads 'ROBO COFFEE' but the first 'O' has been replaced by a boxy robot with claw arms, a buzzing antennae, and two little eyes. The colors are purple and pink.
Created in Brankmark.io

To help you understand why we say it's "passable" and not fully professional, here is a detailed assessment:

  • Good: The type weight is thick enough to be readable when small
  • Good: The icon is shown in a roughly balanced proportion to the type; if seen at a small size you want both the type and symbol to remain legible
  • Good: The font has some interesting letterforms (shape of the individual letters) that add character and uniqueness to the logo
  • Bad: While the icon is relatively simple, there is a risk that some of the details may be lost when viewed small
  • Bad: The icon however is pulled directly from The Noun Project, which means it’s not truly unique so neither is the logo. As mentioned above, this could get us in hot water
  • Bad: It's unclear whether we can download a vector file or will only get a bitmap image file

Brandmark.io Summary

  • Uniqueness: Low (and problematic)
    • Relies on a library of pre-made icons (not generated per user)
    • Generic icons are pulled from The Noun Project
  • Professional quality: Low to Medium
    • A passable logo is possible, but without design expertise the result is likely to be amateur
    • Not based on proper branding research
  • Speed: Fast
  • Usability: Unknown
    • Unclear whether a vector / SVG file is available
  • Ease of use: Easy
    • Straightforward and intuitive
  • Customization: Medium
    • Provides some fine control
  • Price: Cheap, but not the cheapest
    • $25 USD for a single bitmap logo
    • $65 USD gets you more sizes, and several collateral templates (social, business cards, etc) — along with "logo source files" (which likely means any icon files from The Noun Project)


Unlike the other apps we've reviewed so far, Logomaster.ai lets you fiddle with elements by hand, right on the canvas itself. You can position, scale and rotate things, and even add or delete elements at will.

Two (2) logos side by side that read 'ROBOCOFFEE' [sic] without a space. The same icons of a one-eyed robot used earlier is shown again here.
An initial Logomaster.ai logo "proposal"

If you have design chops, then this advanced customization is a positive, letting you have more control over the outcome.

Then again, if you don’t know design principles then this power also adds a potential layer of complication, versus the simpler "on rails" approach of the other contenders.

Screenshot of a digital user interface. The words 'ROBO COFFEE' sit center screen and a the same one-eyed robot symbol sits above them, rotated about 30 degrees clockwise.
Getting hands-on with Logomaster.ai

Logomaster.ai also has the unique feature of letting you bend your text on a curve. Use this feature with caution, however, and remember that legibility is key!

Logomaster.ai Summary:

  • Uniqueness: Low to Medium (yet problematic)
    • Relies on a library of pre-made icons (not generated per user)
    • Generic icons are pulled from The Noun Project
    • Higher level of customization options make the results more distinct
  • Professional quality: Low to Medium
    • A passable logo is possible, but without design expertise the result is likely to be amateur
    • Not based on proper branding research
  • Speed: Fast
  • Usability: Good
    • Vector / SVG file available
  • Ease of use: Medium
    • Relatively intuitive
    • Extra customization options make it somewhat more complex
  • Customization: Medium
    • The most customizable
    • Offers direct hand-editing of the logo elements (scale, position, rotation)
    • Can put your text on a curve
  • Price: More pricey than others, but still inexpensive
    • $54 CAD for a single bitmap logo
    • $138 CAD for a transparent logo, the ability to edit later, and a vector file


We found that the first drafts created by Designs.ai were generally weaker than the other platforms, requiring more massaging to get them into shape. In the end, we got better results when we selected icons that were more simplistic.

The first drafts generated by Designs.ai often have poor color contrast and tiny symbols. Both are issues for professional grade legibility.

Three (3) logos for 'Robo Coffee' that use graphics which are too small to decipher, and combinations of alternating magenta and blue colors that reduce legibility.
Drafts generated by Designs.ai

On the positive side, the platform does not rely on The Noun Project icons. However, the keyword "robot" only offered a dozen or so icon options for us to choose from.

Screenshot of a user interface showing a 'Robo Coffee' logo beside a slider reading 'Letter spacing.'
Unlike other platforms, Designs.ai lets you adjust the letter spacing

Designs.ai Summary:

  • Uniqueness: Low
    • Does NOT rely on The Noun Project, but the icon selection is very limited
    • Relies on a library of pre-made icons (not generated per user)
  • Professional quality: Low
    • Initial designs are often… we’ll just come out and say it —- ugly (bad color combos, hard to read fonts, overly detailed icons, etc)
    • Not based on proper branding research
  • Speed: Fast
  • Usability: Good
    • Vector / SVG download possible
  • Ease of use: Easy
    • Decent interface
  • Customization: Low to Medium
    • Fine control over letter-spacing
  • Price: Less cheap, but still cheap
    • $49 USD for vector/SVG, social kit and mockups


You have likely heard of Canva. It's a lightweight graphic design tool geared for creating social media graphics and banner ads, including animation. These days, they also offer AI-powered logo generation.

Canva has a different workflow. You begin by selecting a "Template", which resembles a finished logo; there is no brand wizard collecting your answers and populating logo options. To edit the logo, you can click directly on elements in the canvas itself, like text or icons, to change their size, color and other attributes.

In terms of the graphics on offer here, watch out! There's a lot of colorful, visually busy "clip art" in here which may not scale down cleanly, or even print nicely.

Screenshot of a Canva user interface showing the word 'Robot' in a search field above a collection of brightly-colored robot-like graphics. A larger 'Robo Coffee' logo containing a single robot symbol sits on the right.
The quality of icons in Canva is all over the place

Canva Summary:

  • Uniqueness: Low
    • Does NOT rely on The Noun Project
    • Relies on a library of pre-made icons and clip art (not generated per user)
  • Professional quality: Low
    • Clip art imagery gives logos an amateur quality
    • Many graphics are not logo-friendly
    • Not based on proper branding research
  • Speed: Fast
  • Usability: Good
    • Vector / SVG download is possible (premium feature)
  • Ease of use: Easy to Medium
    • Intuitive interface
    • Extra customization options make it somewhat more complex to use
  • Customization: Medium
    • Some unique font options
    • Provides some direct editing (scale, position)
  • Price: Free - Dirt cheap
    • Download a low-resolution PNG logo for free (if no premium elements are used)
    • Premium features require a $16.99 per month subscription
    • Many features and graphics require a paid account
    • Can't purchase a single logo; requires a subscription

The final word...or is it?

All of the AI logo generators we tested were fast, cheap and easy to use.

But the question we set out to ask in this article was whether they deliver on the promise of creating "unique" and "professional" logos.

On that score, our assessment is: "No."

To be unique means to be one-of-a-kind or particularly remarkable, special or unusual. These generated logos are remarkably generic. The icons are pulled from a library of pre-made symbols which any of your competitors could also select from.

Certainly, some of the logos could be deemed to be passable if you possess the design knowledge to edit the results effectively.

An image of paper coffee cups, and bags and box and clipboard that display a black and white 'Robo Coffee' logo. The text is in all caps, and the symbol is a rectangular two-eyed head with antennae.
We created the all-white version of this logo using Adobe design tools as no vector file was provided

Overall, however, the logos did not meet up to what we defined earlier as professional quality:

  • Follows design principles: Out of the box, the generated logos are often rife with legibility issues, poor kerning, and often lack simplicity.
  • Usability: it's often unclear whether you would get a usable vector file version of your logo.
  • Distinct: Many also run the risk of not being distinct enough to be trademarked and may even run afoul of Intellectual Property laws.
  • Brand process: None are based on proper branding research.
Three (3) very similar logos. One for Robo Coffee labelled 'Brandmark.io.' Another for Robot Cafe, labelled "Logomaster.' The last for Robo Cafe, labelled 'Looka'. All three logos include the same matching symbol of an oval head with two eyes and two antennae. Copy runs underneath that reads "Competitors could easily end up with very similar logos."
These generated logos may not be distinct enough to be trademarked

That said, we suspect this won't be our final words on the subject.

We expect to see a whole new class of logo generator tools in the relatively near future. With the new image generation capabilities of AI, this should just be a matter of time.

Despite not hitting the bar for uniqueness and professionalism, we happen to believe there still are times when a founder should use them over hiring a designer. (Say it isn't true!)

We'll share more about our opinions on that in our next article!

Until then,


Kirk is a creative leader, design manager, and experience designer with a 20-year career that started in the dot com boom in San Francisco. Kirk previously co-founded Art & Science, a digital design agency that landed on the Globe & Mail’s Growth 400 list, and that is ranked as the #1 digital marketing agency worldwide on Clutch.co. He sits on the board of the Bachelor of Design and UXD Certificate programs at Humber University, regularly sites on design awards juries, and is ranked in the top 1% of design mentors on ADP.

Suzanne has over two decades of design experience, a degree in Psychology from the University of Toronto and a BFA from Emily Carr University in Vancouver. Suzanne has led design & dev teams, worked on multi-million dollar projects, and spent 10 years running a 6-figure design firm as a solopreneur. She has been integrating cutting-edge technologies like AI and no code into her workflow for many years.